Saturday, 30 January 2016

PMC is just NOT RESPONDING: Part 2



While providing commencement certificates for each stage of Palladium Grand complex located at Dhanori, Pune 411015; office of the City Engineer, Pune Municipal Corporation has mandated that developers must install "Solar Heating Water System". 

However, when the completion / occupation certificate was provided by the same office, it did not verify as to why "Solar Heating Water System" was not installed and commissioned by the developers M/s. Palladium Properties Ltd., a joint venture by M/s. Raojee Constructions and M/s. Shreyas Shelters.

We the residents have been approaching builder informally for several years now, with a request to commission this mandatory requirements as stipulated in the commencement certificates. Developers did not pay any attention and neither took it seriously.

Frustrated with this attitude, we wrote several communications to the builders, which went UN-noticed. Finally, we wrote to PMC Commissioner (vide ref. no. PG-0070/2015 dated 7 September 2015). Relevant [related to Solar Water Heating System] part of this 11 page long letter is appended below. 

After lot of perseverance, we received response from City Engineer office, PMC [vide ref. no. Zone1/2002 dated 3 November 2015]. In its letter PMC agreed that developers have not installed and commissioned Solar Water Heating System. It further directed the builder/developer to install and commission this facilities within 15 days, i.e. on or before 18 Nov 2015. [See PMC Response below].

After this, we tried contacting the office of the City Engineer, PMC. There was no response of what so ever kind. 

We are shocked with this attitude of the PMC officers:
  1. Why PMC Officers are going to slow in pursuing this issue with the developer/builders?
  2. Why PMC is not blacklisting M/s. Palladium Properties, M/s. Raojee Constructions, M/s. Shreyas Shelters and M/s Shirish Dasnurkar for cheating PMC, and violating its mandatory compliance?

Does it not construed and be concluded that  PMC is not in favor of the residents or citizens? Or is it that its officers are weak enough to take strict action against the builders/developers?

Is PMC listening? Or It is convenient not to RESPOND?

At your mercy PMC Officers,
Palladium Grand Flat Owners


Solar Water Heaters:
While sanctioning the plan proposed by the developers, the Office of the Dy. City Engineer (Development Plan) vide its commencement certificates nos. DPO/10396/H/75 dated 17 March 2006, DPO/4765/H/84 dated 11 Sept 2006 and DPO/8826/H/91 dated 18th January 2007 developers were asked to provide solar water heaters. However, we are pained to inform you that developers have not provided any kind of solar water heating infrastructure.
a.    Did your officers or relevant department(s) was aware of this fact, that developers have not made appropriate and adequate provisions for the solar water heaters that can cater to the entire Phase 1?
b.    How come your officer(s) or relevant department provided completion & occupancy certificate without ensuring that solar water heaters are indeed provided by the developer?
c.    Given the above-mentioned circumstances, what action(s) would you propose to be taken against the defaulting developers who have clearly violated the spirit & specifications mentioned in the commencement certificates?
d.    What action(s) you would propose against the officers or the departments of the PMC which overlooked the compliance of the commencement certificate, and provided completion and occupancy certificate to the developers without ensuring that the specifications mentioned in the commencement certificates has been complied with in letter & spirit?
e.    What instructions or penalties or punitive measures you would impose upon the developers who have blatantly violated the directives of the commencement certificates for provision of solar water heaters?
f.     What plans and curative measures you would like to propose to ensure that the occupants are supplied with adequate quantity of solar water heaters either by the developers or by the relevant PMC mechanism?
g.    How and what actions you and relevant departments will initiate to ensure that this facility is provided to the flat owners in immediate near future?
h.    How and what measures you and the relevant departments will initiate to compensate [or order developers to compensate] the flat owners for pain & trauma they have undergone for non provision of this facility which needs to be fulfilled according to the commencement certificates issued by relevant departments?

Wednesday, 27 January 2016



Palladium Grand
S.No. 17/1-A/2, Dhanori, 
Pune 411015, India.

Ref. no. PG-0002/2016 
7 January 2016.


Mr. Kunal Kumar
Pune Municipal Corporation
Near Mangala Theater, Shivaji nagar Pune 411004.

Subject: WATER SUPPLY [Ref. letter from the Office of City Engineer (ref. no. Zone1/2002) dated 3rd November 2015] reg..

Dear Mr. Kumar,

At the outset let us express sincere thanks on behalf of the Palladium Grand residents for instructing and compelling the Office of the City Engineer to respond to our communication addressed to you (ref. PG-0070/2015 dated 7 September 2015).

In response to our query regarding the WATER SUPPLY to the Palladium Grand complex, the letter from the Office of the City Engineer, PMC state the following:

This matter comes under the preview of Water Supply Department. Thus, our communication has been forwarded to Bund Garden Water Supply Department vide letter ref. no. Zone1/1989 dated 2/11/2015.

1. We are sorry to inform you that Bund Garden Water Supply department has not taken any action in this regard. On the contrary, our oral enquiries are never honored and responded by the officers of the Bund Garden Water Supply department.

2. In the past, Water supply department has responded to us that supply of water is the internal matter between we the flat-owners and the builder/developer. This approach of your staff is thoroughly disappointing as well it can be considered as an in-direct attempt to deny us the right to live healthy and peaceful life.

3. We say this, because while submitting a proposal for this project, developers vide affidavit no. 6089 dated 9th November 2003 has given the undertaking that they as the developers are aware that PMC is not in a position to supply sufficient quantity of water. Thus, developers pledged that they would ensure the supply of good quality water either through bore wells or through water tankers at their own expense. However, till date residents have been paying for the restricted, inadequate and sub standard quality supply of water. We are pained to inform you that PMC supplied drinking water is not available to the residents since the so-called completion of Phase 1. Further, developers have discontinued bore well water supply and tanker water supply without any prior intimation.

4. In view of the above referred facts, we would like to enquire with you the following:

a. Why the officers of the Bund Garden Water Supply department did not initiate any action since November 2, 2015?
  1. Did your officers or relevant department(s) was aware of this fact, that developers have not made appropriate and adequate provisions for the supply of water that can cater to the entire Phase 1?
  2. How come your officer(s) or relevant department provided completion & occupancy certificate when the pledges sworn by the developers through above-mentioned affidavits were not fulfilled?
  3. Since, 2009 has your officer(s) or relevant department tried to ascertain whether pledges made by the builder through above mentioned affidavits have been fulfilled or not?
  4. In response to our letter PG-00020/2014 dated 30th November 2015 in connection with water supply, Bund Garden Water Supply office of the PMC vide its letter 1351 dated 19th December 2014 [copy enclosed] responded that this is an internal issue between the residents and the builder, and that we must resolve it ourselves.
  5. Such a response from the PMC is not only discouraging, but also in clear violation of its role as a monitoring and rules implementation authority.
  6. Given the above-mentioned circumstances, what action(s) would you propose to be taken against the defaulting developers who have clearly violated the pledge made through an affidavit?
  7. What action(s) you would propose against the officers or the departments of the PMC which overlooked the pledges of the affidavit, and provided completion and occupancy certificate to the developers without ensuring that the pledge has been complied with in letter & spirit?
  8. What instructions or penalties or punitive measures you would impose upon the developers who have blatantly violated the pledge for providing service of essential commodities such as water?
  9. What plans and curative measures you would like to propose to ensure that the occupants are supplied with adequate quantity of water either by the developers or by the relevant PMC mechanism?

  1. How and what actions you and relevant departments will initiate to ensure that this facility is provided to the flat owners in immediate near future?
  2. How and what measures you and the relevant departments will initiate to compensate [or order developers to compensate] to flat owners for pain & trauma they have undergone for non provision of this facility, which needs to be fulfilled according to the pledges made in above mentioned affidavits provided willfully by the developers?
Mr. Kumar, we are addressing this communication to you with a great sense of hope and admiration for your leadership, especially the initiative of Smart City that you are spearheading.

However, we are also addressing this communication with deep sense disappointment, feeling of being let down, as your office and the office of your concerned department has time and again ignored our pleas to take appropriate action. Further, you did not find it fit to respond to our earlier communication, but you simply forwarded the same to the Office of the City Engineer, who brushed aside answering the queries, and rather gave clinical answers.

This act of evasion clearly demonstrate the step-motherly attitude of the officers concerned or it hints of possible favoritism towards the developer/promoter M/s. Palladium Properties.

We the flat owners therefore request your intervention, as well prompt action. We would highly appreciate you visiting the complex at the earliest to take stalk of the situation personally.


Dr. Vishwas Chavan
On behalf of the flat-owners, Palladium Grand

Copy to:
Hon. Shri. Devendra Fadnavis,
Chief Minister, Govt. of Maharashtra 

Mantralaya, Mumbai

Mr. Prashant Waghmare, City Engineer, Pune Municipal Corporation, Pune 
Mr. Dnyaneshwar Molak, DMC, Zone 2, PMC, Pune
Mr. Vivek Kulkarni, Suprintendant Engg (WSD), PMC, Pune
Mrs. Sandhya Ghagre, AMC Sangamwadi WO, PMC, Pune

Mr. Satish Bhosrekar, Executive Engg (Water Supply), PMC, Pune